Sunday, November 16, 2008

Here's my wall at the NCN convention. Ooooooh, man, I have a lot to learn. I was feeling like a baby drawing next to masters. It's ok. All part of the path. I learned a lot and there are lots of different directions that I want to try now. I found out how much art can just really be whatever you want! Who knew?! So this wall is pretty much stuff just like my park sketches. Hopefully I will be learning and doing more and better work here soon. I will try to break out of my bounderies... in life and in drawing.
I drew this here dude with the glasses. I was pretty proud of it. Starting to feel a little more brave with the stretching it all out. There is still a lot of things that I would change, do different, do better and all that crap, but this is a step in a better direction. Thanks to everyone at the NCN!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your drawing are equally awesome!

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